April 2024

Mobility, Fun-Sized
Trends at Medtrade include smaller, lighter and youthful scooters, wheelchairs, more
PLUS: Why seat elevation will be a gamechanger for seniors

Dear HomeCare Readers,
We just came back from Medtrade, and it was one of the biggest shows in years. In fact, organizers are reporting an increase in attendance of over 25% compared to 2023, with more than 2,300 qualified attendees. Those visitors came from every state but Rhode Island (c'mon, Rhodies!) and 35 countries.
At the same time, the National Home Infusion Association held its annual conference (NHIA 2024), bringing together more than 1,600 home and alternate site infusion professionals. Again, organizers reported attendance growth—as well as a 5%-8% increase in home infusion service claims in 2023.
The numbers are great to hear, but what was more fun was the feel of excitement on the show floor in Dallas due to higher traffic and a huge number of new products on display. The sense was that, despite some significant challenges looming in our industry, the opportunities for growth are still strong. Quite simply, the demographics aren't going to change, and as we read over and over again in these pages and others, Americans increasingly want to at least try to age at home and independently.
But to be able to provide the goods and services to make that happen, we'll need to be able to adapt. That might mean leaning more heavily on technological solutions or even some possible uses for artificial intelligence, which came up repeatedly at the show. It might mean shifting to more retail-oriented product lines or services rather than solely offering federally reimbursed ones—or expanding into new areas to ensure you're filling your clientele's needs.
In this issue, you'll find stories and columns that take new approaches to many aspects of your business, from transitioning your fleet to electric vehicles to using new tools to keep care workers safe to understanding how new weight management medications might affect diabetes care.
And when it comes to trying something new, I'm hoping that we're modeling a bit of that with this second issue of our new digital publication. Those of you accustomed to receiving a monthly print magazine in the mail should be aware that you'll now get that version five to six times a year, and this digital issue will landing in your inbox the first Friday of every month! Any feedback on the new format is welcome at hwolfson@cahabamedia.com.
As always, thanks for reading!

Editor Hannah Wolfson | (205) 278-2825
hwolfson@cahabamedia.com Managing Editor
Meg Herndon | (205) 273-3058 mherndon@cahabamedia.com
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spowell@cahabamedia.com CUSTOMER SERVICE Subscription Changes & Inquiries
homecaremag@omeda.com (800) 256-2785
Cara Bachenheimer Chair, Government Affairs Practic,e Brown & Fortunato, P.C.
Jeffrey S. Baird
Chair, Health Care Group, Brown & Fortunato, P.C.
Mary Ellen Conway
President, Capital Healthcare Group
William A. Dombi
President, National Association for Home Care & Hospice
Louis Feuer
President, Dynamic Seminars & Consulting
Jim Greatorex
Vice President, VGM Live at Home
Mike Hamilton
Executive Director, ADMEA
Sarah Hanna
VP, Consulting Services, ACU-Serve Corp.
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VP Government Affairs, Pride Mobility Products Corp.
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VP of Sales
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Phone: (205) 212-9402
HomeCare® (ISSN# 0882-2700) is published by the Cahaba Media Group, PO Box 530067, Birmingham, AL 35253. Subscriptions are free of charge to qualified HME and home health workers. Publisher reserves the right to determine qualifications. ©2024 Cahaba Media Group, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher does not warrant, either expressly or by implication, the factual accuracy of any advertisements, articles or descriptions herein, nor does the publisher warrant the validity of any views or opinions offered by the authors of said articles or descriptions. The opinions expressed are those of the individual authors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Cahaba Media Group. Cahaba Media Group makes no representation or warranties regarding the accuracy or appropriateness of the advice or any advertisements contained in this magazine. We welcome submissions. Unless otherwise negotiated in writing by the editors, by sending us your submission, you grant Cahaba Media Group, Inc., permission by an irrevocable license (with the right to license to third parties) to edit, reproduce, distribute, publish, and adapt your submission in any medium on multiple occasions. You are free to publish your submission yourself or to allow others to republish your submission. Submissions will not be returned.