A Note from the Editor
At some point in my career as a journalist, I was responsible for covering several major academic research centers. That job required reporting on important scientific studies, ranging from breakthrough neuroscience to improving replacement hips and nutrition.
Although I enjoyed basic college biology and have a deep interest in environmental science, I do not by any stretch of the definition have a scientific mind—I’m an English major and grammar nerd all the way. Parsing detailed research papers and translating statistics and methodological explanations to a broad audience was a challenge to say the least. But I came to love the task. Somewhere inside those dense charts and arcane language was a drive to open up a new world of discovery and establish new truths. And when health care was involved, those truths might actually turn into therapies that could improve people’s lives.
In this month’s issue of HomeCare, we’re leaning into scientific studies. Don’t worry, you won’t have to read them yourself! Hopefully, we’ve done a clear job of translating some new data coming out of the sleep field. In our cover series starting on p. 16, we look at three of 26 research abstracts funded by ResMed and presented at a recent meeting of sleep scientists. On p. 19, we share an interview with William Noah, a physician and CEO of SleepRes, on a new approach to PAP therapy that he’s been testing; he says it’s revolutionary.
Also inside are articles from experts about hospice documentation, managing non-family employees in a family business and much more. Plus, we’re offering up our annual Vendor Profiles, where you’ll read more about some of the manufacturers and service providers who are HomeCare’s biggest supporters. We hope it helps you make decisions in your business.

Hannah Wolfson Editor, HomeCare Media
In-depth advice from industry experts
A look at the latest data in the sleep world and new approaches to CPAP
HomeCare® (ISSN# 0882-2700) is published by the Cahaba Media Group, PO Box 530067, Birmingham, AL 35253. Subscriptions are free of charge to qualified HME and home health workers. Publisher reserves the right to determine qualifications. ©2024 Cahaba Media Group, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher does not warrant, either expressly or by implication, the factual accuracy of any advertisements, articles or descriptions herein, nor does the publisher warrant the validity of any views or opinions offered by the authors of said articles or descriptions. The opinions expressed are those of the individual authors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Cahaba Media Group. Cahaba Media Group makes no representation or warranties regarding the accuracy or appropriateness of the advice or any advertisements contained in this magazine. We welcome submissions. Unless otherwise negotiated in writing by the editors, by sending us your submission, you grant Cahaba Media Group, Inc., permission by an irrevocable license (with the right to license to third parties) to edit, reproduce, distribute, publish, and adapt your submission in any medium on multiple occasions. You are free to publish your submission yourself or to allow others to republish your submission. Submissions will not be returned.